☐ To do list ☑

Lots to do, and not much done

☑Teach the dog a trick

☐ Bake some bread

☐ Bake some pizza

☐ Make mint soda

☑ Make a website 12/28/24

☑ Put things on the website

☐ Setup server

☐ Beat minecraft

☐ Do some embroidery

☐ Add usb-c port to 3ds

☐ Translate and port Gu-L

☐ Make a youtube video

☐ Setup new pc

☐ Make a nice 3ds theme

☐ Go for a hike

☐ Write a story / write better

☐ Animate something

☐ Get a job :(

☐ Find a project car

☐ Get license

☐ Visit home

☐ Bikepack for a weekend

☐ Run a marathon

☐ Make minecraft mods

☐ Write a song

☐ Make some clothes

☐ Build + design a portable wii

☐ Learn piano

☐ Learn guitar

☐ Paint with Bob Ross

☐ Paint on my own

☐ Make a homebrew app

☐ Design some fakemon

☐ Make a pokemon ROM hack

☐ Make a game